Mentoring Programs

Many people need guidance as they navigate life’s transitions, such as adolescence, marriage, mid-life passage, and loss.

Animate Mentoring provides a trusted guide through these life stages, offering direction and support so people can transition to their next stage of life with intention and clarity, ready to contribute meaningfully to the world. Our programs are thoughtfully designed for a particular life stage, providing a customized yet established approach to mentorship for each individual’s context.


A Message from our founder…

Men’s Mentor Groups

We facilitate mentor groups for men ages 22 to 94.

We create a safe place for people to navigate life with other men. Through intentional friendship and a structured program, men who are part of our mentor groups gain greater clarity, deepen relationships, and reorient their lives toward what is most important.

  • Now enrolling: Book Study & Backpacking Groups

    • Animate offers this unique opportunity to navigate the truths of a book within a group setting and take the lessons and relationship to the outdoors. This combination allows the men to grow deeply with their knowledge, wisdom and action taking. Book Options for 2023 include: Wild Man to Wise Man, Iron John, and The Hero Within, Sacred Fire.

One on One Mentoring

There are seasons when one is stuck in a stagnate existence, whether in personal life, professional life, or sometimes both.

Through individual sessions, Animate Mentoring comes alongside men to navigate inevitable life chapters, bringing counsel, insight, and direction. This critical support allows men to live more fully awake, attentive to the work God is doing, leading to healthier relationships and a deeper understanding of who they are called to be.

Adolescent Mentor Groups

Animate Mentoring leads mentor groups for young men ages 13 to 17.

We believe in the power of community, both for encouragement and for accountability. Through an intentional structure, our mentor groups meet regularly to check in, review goals, and share challenges and successes. We guide the group in developing healthy habits, and provide a supportive environment for maturing and growth. Some of our mentor groups conclude with our guided Rites of Passage experience.

Parent Mentoring

If you are a parent, how many times have you wished there was some magical instruction manual to show you what to do?

We do our best to raise our children well based on how we were parented (or not parented), what we’ve read, and what we’ve picked up from watching others. Sometimes we thrive, and other times we just survive…sometimes barely hanging on and desperate for help. 

Animate Mentoring equips parents with practical strategies for better family communication, and we give guidance on how to develop healthy rhythms as a family. We provide counsel to parents, meeting them right where they are, and help them raise their children with intentionality and love. 

Custom Retreats + Rituals

We love customized retreats and rituals!

At Animate, we are always open to creative approaches to deepening relationships with God and others. Our retreats and rituals have taken on many forms, including multi-day motorcycle journeys, blacksmithing weekends, backpacking trips, and father-son retreats. 

Have an idea for a customized retreat or ritual? We’d love to hear it! Give us a call, and let’s dream together about the design.